Best Way To Store Your Ties!

The best dressed fashionistas are equipped with a shirt and pants, but the accessories are what truly makes the outfit. Women have jewelry, shoes, and handbags; and every man has a collection of neckties. Neckties have become a boy’s rite of passage into manhood, some treasured for sentimental assets and others to capture the best dressed suit for any job interview. For these reasons and the those in-between, a man can accumulate an abundance of neckties. Since neckties are treasured and, like any favorite accessory, should be cared for and stored properly. Before making your storage purchase, investigate your options by exploring your closet space. Do you have space to hang your ties or do your favorites deserve to be preserved in a drawer? Here are a few options to explore when organizing your closet and storage spaces. Necktie storage is not always an easy feat, but finding the perfect tie can be resolved easily: First evaluate the size of your tie collection, the space you have available in your closet or room storage, and the fabrics used to make majority of your ties. Tie Racks If you're lacking in space on the closet rod, a tie rack would be the best solution for you. With many styles and options to secure the hang of your ties, you can have installed an easy to use extendable tie rack. This options secures the tie, reduces the amount of space taken up for the biggest of collections and keeps the most expensive fabrics crisp and clean.


Tie Butler A Tie Butler offers a more complex storage option that operates like a drawer with an appropriate hanging space within the closet. Unlike normal hangers, tie butlers are created to keep your collection of ties neatly organized and upright with an easy pull out to see all your favorites. The advantage of these two hanging options are to maintain easy access to your collection and preserve the color, cleanliness and crispness of your fabrics! There is an alternate option to a hang which would be more suitable for knit ties or those who do not have any closet space. Tie Butler   Tie Drawer Tie drawers are designed to loosely role the necktie for a drawer-like pull out and storage. Hanging certain delicate materials can cause stretching and creasing of the tie, especially around the neck area. Tie drawers have benefits such as preserving fabrics from room humidity, air pollution, and damage of tie tips from unnecessary physical contact. Tie Drawer             When designing your storage space for neckties, make sure to check out these three popular options!
Posted December 7, 2016